Curated by Illustrated Brum, as part of the recent TEDxBrum #Perspectives event, a Zine Library was installed at Birmingham Hippodrome. The library was on the theme of 'Perspectives' and included works from a wide range of local, national and international artists. The organisers reported that '... it was a fantastic, busy day packed with in excess of 1400 attendees plus crew, artists, speakers and performers, both on and off the TEDxBrum stage'. I was very pleased to contribute by way of my 'This, I tell you, is the end' publication. And that Illustrated Brum are continuing to work with this collection to form the beginnings of a permanently housed zine library for Birmingham. Exciting stuff!
To all our supporters who put faith in this project - brilliant - we can't thank you enough for your encouragement and financial support. We have had support from family and friends, but also acquaintances, friends of friends and also many people from around the world who WE DON'T EVEN KNOW, which is amazing and shows that the book has a meaning and a life of its own beyond our personal connections - we couldn't ask for more. The book is now at the printers BooksFactory and will be on its way to us soon. The presses won't look like this, but in my imagination I like to think it does - this is one of my favourite illustrations of the developments of printing from my days of studying Michael Twyman's Printing 1770-1970.
November 2024