A great festival in Athens this weekend (19/20 April 2024), organised by Sissy Doutsiou of +the Institute [for Experimental Arts]. A review of this year's event is on their website. Sadly I couldn't attend this year, but Dark was chosen for inclusion :)
Thank you to everyone who helped with the organisation, it looks like a great time was had by all, and congratulations to everyone who showed or performed work this year.
"Language-based Artistic Research is a new term for an emergent field of artistic research, describing approaches to artistic research that specifically work-with language. The Special Interest Group (SIG) for Language-based Artistic Research was inaugurated in 2019 within the frame of the Research Pavilion #3, Venice, and now comprises an international network of over 500 artistic researchers"
The group held an event on 11 April, to launch PRACTICE-SHARING II (an online publication platform with contributions from over 60 international researchers), and the Expanded Librarians Research Group made a presentation. Our presentation on the characterisation of the 'Expanded Librarian' as researcher or strategist was prerecorded and can be watched online via this page https://www.researchcatalogue.net/view/835089/2686626 |
November 2024